Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Year's Perohy and Cabbage Roll Sale

Our neighbours at  the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Transfiguration, 629 McIntosh Street (East End), are having a 1 day sale, on Friday, December 28th from 11am. 
Please ensure we have enough for you by calling in your order at 623-6808 or email at

Christmas Message from Bishop Colli

Merry Christmas and Many Blessings in the New Year!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Feast of the Holy Family: Beef on Bun Dinner and Christmas Ceilidh

Celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family with a Beef on a Bun Dinner and Christmas Ceilidh (Irish style barn dance).  Enjoy an evening of great food, fellowship and toe-tapping tunes. Saturday, December 29, in our church hall. 

Dinner at 6, Dancing at 7:30. Admission for dinner: $15/family, $10/couple, or $7 pet person.  12 and under are free!  Dancing: free admission. Proceeds to support Rome trip and youth group! Call Josh at 621-2200 for more information.

Christmas 2012 Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve (Monday, December 24)

Mass at 5 p.m. with Children's Procession and Presentation (Carols sung 15 minutes before Mass)

Midnight Mass with Youth Group Choir (Christmas Carols begin at 11:30 p.m.)

Christmas Morning (Tuesday, December 25)

Mass at 10:00 a.m. (Carols sung 15 minutes before Mass)

Venite Adoremus! O come, let us adore him!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Immaculate Conception Grotto

In anticipation of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), here are a few pictures of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and Grotto of the Immaculate Conception in Cook's Creek, Manitoba (just North-East of Winnipeg). 

Better known in the area as the "Prairie Cathedral," this church was built by the local Ukrainian farmers and immigrants under the direction of the untiring missionary and architect, Fr. Philip Ruh, O.M.I. 

Work began in 1930 and continued for ten years during the Great Depression until the church formally opened in 1940.  In 1952, the grand consecration took place.  Five bishops, numerous priests, and about 7,000 lay-persons were in attendance.

"Short and Tweet".... The Pope on Twitter

"The numbers of Twitter followers topped 700.000 on Thursday morning, just three days after the Holy Father’s handle @pontifex was announced to the press. The first tweets will be sent by the Pope himself at the Wednesday general audience on December 12th in response to a number of questions he’s received.

But Archbishop Celli (President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications) says it’s less about topping the popularity charts and more about providing a word of faith and hope in the virtual world where men and women of today are increasingly spending most of their time…. 

"The Holy Father is not looking for popularity – this doesn’t correspond to a pope and it doesn’t correspond to the style of Pope Benedict XVI.  I think he is choosing a way to be present where people are….with a tweet, we don’t resolve the problems of the Church, but I think our duty is to be present. The peculiarity of the new technologies is to create an environment where people are living and in such a milieu we have to announce the Gospel, to announce Jesus – we have to be there!"  (courtesy of

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Venite Adoremus! Advent Holy Hours

As part of our spiritual program during the holy season of Advent, our parish will be holding Holy Hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before every Mass in Advent  including the weekend Masses. 

Parishioners, guests and friends of St. Peters are invited to spend some time in company with our Eucharistic Lord. 
Venite Adoremus! 
O Come, Let Us Adore Him!

Bishop Colli's Message for Advent 2012

"Prepare the Way of the Lord"

As we enter into the season of Advent, the four weeks of preparation for Christmas, the figure in the scriptures who stands out most strikingly is St. John the Baptist. He is the prophet who summons us with the words 'prepare, make ready the way, open your hearts to conversion.' St. John the Baptist played an important role in calling attention to the people of his time, in order that they open their hearts for Jesus. He asked them to turn away from sinfulness and to open themselves to God's grace and goodness. We know that St. John the Baptist had many followers, and yet in the end, he directed everyone to the Lord.

As we begin this preparation season during this 'Year of Faith' we ask what we can do to prepare ourselves for the great feast of the Incarnation, or the birth of the Son of God into our world. Pope Benedict XVI has urged us to learn more about our faith and to study and pray, in order that our lives can bear witness to Jesus in our world. The preparations taking place around this feast in many ways, are merely secular ones. We prepare gifts, decorate our homes and offices, we prepare special meals and we send greetings to friends and family. These are all important, but the true meaning of Christmas for us is the awareness that God 'so loved the world that he gave his only son' in order that we might be saved. This great act of love and generosity is really beyond our imagining and comprehension. We wish we could be as generous in our actions and endeavours.

The four weeks in Advent give us a chance to prepare properly for the great feast of Christmas. Not only do we engage in the secular preparations, but we know that we must prepare ourselves interiorly. We seek forgiveness from God for our sins through the Sacrament of Penance, we recognize our need to reach out to those in need and those who will struggle in this Christmas season. We pray earnestly for family members and friends, in particular for those in distress, and we direct our thoughts to the meaning of Christmas who is Christ the Lord, with whom we seek to deepen our relationship in love.

These four weeks, marked by the candles on the Advent wreath, remind us that we need to be spiritually prepared in order to prepare a way for the Lord into our hearts. He desires to come and strengthen us in our journey through life with all its joys and stresses. Our prayer, our reconciliation and our generosity will all make this preparation possible. 'Prepare the way of the Lord'. May St. John the Baptistʼs call truly inspire us.

Bishop Fred J. Colli

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Christmas Bake Sale

On Sunday, December 9, our parish CWL is hosting its annual Christmas bake sale. 

The sale will take place in the church hall following the 10 a.m. Mass from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The sale will coincide with our monthly "Coffee Sunday", so come and enjoy!

The Sound of Music... St. Cecilia, Pray for Us!

To mark today's Feast of St. Cecilia, patron saint of organ builders and musicians, here's an exciting news-bite on the beauty and importance of sacred liturgical music:

St. Cecilia, pray for us!

"Knights to Remember"

Last week our parish hosted the annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass
for all Knights of local councils who passed away over the last year. 

Organized by Bishop Norman Gallagher Council 7332, the well-attended Mass was followed by a reception courtesy of members of our parish CWL.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sing to the Lord a New Song! "Advent at Ephesus"

With the season of Advent on the horizon, an advent of a different kind has emerged: that of a new religious community of women, The Benedictines of Mary, and their soon-to-be-released CD of stunning spiritual songs and chants. 

The CD is entitled "Advent at Ephesus."  Be inspired by watching the video below:

Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy visiting Thunder Bay!

Sister Gaudia and Sister Vianneya from the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Poland, will be visiting Thunder Bay on December 2-4, 2012.  These Sisters are from the Divine Mercy Convent of Saint Faustina. 

They will share in the following schedule while in Thunder Bay:

Sunday, December 2
10:30 AM Mass at St. Casimir’s
3 PM Divine Mercy Prayer with Bishop Colli at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

Monday, December 3
12:15 PM Mass and 3 PM Divine Mercy Prayer at St. Kateri Church. 

Tuesday, December 4
12:15 PM Mass and 3 PM Divine Mercy Prayer at St. Anne’s Church. 

Everyone is welcome to these events of prayer with the Sisters and to meet them afterwards.

YouCats are Back in Stock!

The latest shipment of the ever-popular YouCat has arrived!  This catechism was designed with youth in mind, but is really a great resource for anyone no matter how old. 

Check out for more information or scan the book in person by visiting our religious goods cabinet in the church vestibule. 

With every purchase of a YouCat ($18) you will receive a complimentary CD entitled "Why YouCat" which includes inspirational and moving witnesses on discovering true happiness in the Church.  Would make a great gift for Christmas!

Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass

Next Tuesday, November 13, at 7 PM our parish will host the Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass at which members of area Councils gather to remember and pray for the Brother Knights who have died within the past year. 

All are welcome to attend the Mass as well as the reception which will follow in the church hall.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Pray for Us!

Celebrating our newly canonized saint, with special coverage from Rome courtesy of Salt & Light Television...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Family Pumpkin Carving and Potluck Supper

Come to the pumpkin carving contest for children and youth on Sunday, October 28, at 3 p.m. in our parish hall. 

Free admission! Bring your own pumpkin and carving utensils.  Prizes to be won! 

A potluck supper to follow the contest (and clean-up!).  For more information or to register, contact Josh at 285-1097. 

Knights of Columbus offer Sign of Hope

Thank you to Bishop Norman Gallagher Council 7332 of the Knights of Columbus for donating the new inspirational banner that now graces our parish property.  Thanks as well to Brother Knights Nick and Roy for framing and mounting the banner. 

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization for Catholic men, commited to upholding of the dignity of human life and supporting the church.  To find out more about the activities of the Knights in our area, visit .

Friday, October 12, 2012

Read the Catechism in a Year...

Catechism of the Catholic Church

For this Year of Faith, Pope Benedict has encouraged you to study and reflect on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Well, here's an easy way to do it. Simply enter your email address and you'll start getting a little bit of the Catechism emailed to you every morning.

Read that little bit every day and you'll read the whole catechism in a year!  Visit .

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy "New Year"!

With this morning's opening celebration in Rome, the Holy Father formally began the church-wide observance of the Year of Faith.  This day, 50 years ago, the Second Vatican Council got underway.  Today, the call of the Council - a call to personal holiness, courageous discipleship and spiritual renewal - is issued again in a world even more in need of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Nicene Creed, recited weekly at Sunday Mass, is the prayer for the Year of Faith, for "it is by believing with the heart that you are justified, and by making the declaration with your lips that you are saved"  Romans 10:10. 

Below you will find the Creed, presented both for you your viewing and listening pleasure!  Blessings during this Year of Faith!

The Profession of Faith
I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two-Bit Auction

Sunday, October 21, 2012

St. Peter's Catholic Women's League presents their Two-Bit Auction.

Beginning at 1pm at St. Peter's Parish Hall, 700 McIntosh Street.

Baskets on hand are Fall...Winter... Christmas... Movie Night... Pasta Dinner for 2... and more.  Admission is $4 at the door. Dainties and Coffee will be served.

Life in the Spirit Seminar

"Renew in our day, O Lord, your wonders, as in a new Pentecost" - Pope John Paul II

The Life in the Spirit Seminar is commonly used by Catholic groups in the context of renewal in the Church.  It is an instrument for bringing people into a deeper experience of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Seminar offers the basic presentation of the Gospel and the basic teaching about what the Lord is willing to do for all who come to Him.

Presenters include: Bishop Fred Colli, Deacon John Myers, Fr. Jim Grant, Deacon Armand Danis, Fr. Terry Sawchuk, Deacon Bob and Debbie Debesys and Rita and Don Randle. 

Themes: God's Love, Salvation, New Life, Receiving God's Gifts, Growth, and Transformation in Christ.

Includes: Prayer, Songs of Praise, Teachings, Small group discussion.

Benefits: To begin, renew, or deepen a relationship with Jesus; Fuller participation in parish life; Greater appreciation of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation; Deeper prayer life; Increased study of scripture.

The Life in the Spirit Seminar will be held at our parish on the weekend of Friday, November 2, to Sunday, November 4.  No cost. Free will offering.  Register by Friday, October 12.  For further information/to register, please contact Linda at 620-6364 or

"School of Christian Perfection"

"The Rosary is a school for learning true Christian perfection." - Pope John XXIII

"Say the Holy Rosary!  Blessed be that monotony of Hail Mary's which purifies the monotony of your sins!"  - St. Josemaria Escriva

Beloved by popes, saints and countless men and women throughout the ages, the Rosary remains one of the most popular forms of prayer. 

This month of October is traditionally known as the month of the Rosary, as the Feast of Our Lady of Rosary is celebrated on October 7.

The Rosary is prayed about a half-hour before weekday Masses in our parish.  All are welcome!

Our neighbouring parish of St. Patrick's Cathedral will be hosting a Reflective Rosary Hour on Sunday, October 14, at 2 p.m. 

Organized by the Catholic Women's League, this service will be an opportunity to think about Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  All are welcome!

Of Happy Memory...

As the temperature begin to drop (and even some "white stuff "with it!) it may help to recall warmer moments from the not too distant past. 

The following video gives a good snapshot of our summer pilgrimage to the shrine down Memory Road for the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, courtesy of St. Gabriel's Newsroom.  Enjoy!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Faith is our Home in this World"

A message from our Holy Father's visit to the Holy House at Loreto...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bishop Colli's Pastoral Letter for the "Year of Faith"

My Dear People,

     Pope Benedict XVI has announced a "Year of Faith" to begin on October 11, 2012, and to conclude on November 24, 2013.  This special year of prayer is an opportunity for the entire Catholic Church throughout the world to reflect on our commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church.  This year also commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th Anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

     A "Year of Faith" is a time for prayer and for study.  The Pope is encouraging us to deepen the knowledge of our Church and its teachings in this special year.  He is recommending a study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or the Compendium to the Catechism, and also a re-study of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, which gave us the direction of our Church practice today. 

     There will be special events and lectures during this year in our diocese.  I recommend you take advantage of whatever services, study groups or presentations that are made to help you share in this "Year of Faith" in a meaningful way.  The Pope speaks of a 'need to rediscover the journey of faith we share, so as to shed a clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of our encounter with Jesus Christ.'

     Of course, the best way to participate in a "Year of Faith" is to deepen our prayer life and our link to Jesus through our regular participation at Sunday Mass, through prayer and devotions like the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Sacrament of Penance, daily prayer in our homes and with our families, and most importantly the reception of the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  Even a small initiative on our part will prove fruitful for our spiritual life.

     May this "Year of Faith" bring to each of us and to our diocese a unique grace, so that in our words and actions, we will draw closer to the Lord Jesus, closer to His Church, and closer to one another.
May Our Lady of Charity, Mother of the Lord, pray for us in our efforts.

Sincerely in Christ,
+ Fred J. Colli
Bishop of Thunder Bay

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Life Chain Weekend

"I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly..."
- Jesus Christ
(John 10:10)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcoming a "New Year"

Within less than a month, the universal Church will begin the celebration of a "Year of Faith", marking the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Pope Benedict XVI has called for this special year as an invitation to a “an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Saviour of the world” (Apostolic Letter, Porta Fidei, 6). He hopes it will inspire in all believers, “the aspiration to profess the faith in fullness and with renewed conviction, with confidence and hope. 

Although there will be many public celebrations and common confessions of faith, the specific aim of this year is that every Christian may rediscover “the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ” (Apostolic Letter, Porta Fidei, 2).

The year begins on October 11, 2012, and will end on November 24, 2013, the Solemnity of Christ the King.  To learn more about the year of faith, visit the special website set up by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Diocesan Anniversary of 60 Years

A solemn Eucharistic celebration commemmorating the 60th anniversary of the Diocese of Thunder Bay will take place on Sunday, September 16, at St. Patrick's Cathedral starting at 2 p.m. 

The main presider of the Mass will be the Most Reverend Pedro Lopez Quintana, the Apostolic Nuncio to Canada with Most Rev. Frederick Colli and concelebrants. 

Following the Mass there will be a reception in the Cathedral hall with an opportunity to meet the Apostolic Nuncio.  Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Prayers for the Pope...

Please keep our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, in your prayers in a special way as he travels to Lebanon this week.  May his journey his journey be a successful one and may his message received with openness.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Raffle Time...

St. Peter's CWL Raffle!

First Prize: 

Winter Scene Photo

by Tom Gvora

(valued at $390.00)

Second Prize:

Grey Owl Trio Photos

by Tom Gvora

(valued at $250.00)

Third Prize:  $150.00 Cash!

Tickets are only $2 each and are available for purchase at the parish office or by calling Gail at 622-0022.  The draw will take place at 3:00 p.m. (near the end of the two-bit auction) on Sunday, October 21st, 2012.  Proceeds to support the purchase of metal stands for votive candles.  Get your ticket today!

Licence #:M619570

Monday, August 27, 2012

Priest Retreat and Mass Schedule

Saint Patricks Cathedral
Please pray for the priests of our diocese as they take part in their annual retreat at St. Patrick's Cathedral led by Bishop Crosby of Hamilton. 

All are welcome to join the priests and bishops for Mass at the cathedral at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 28, and Wednesday, August 29, and at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 30. 

In our parish, Mass will be celebrated at 7 p.m. on Tuesday and 8 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kitchitwa Kateri Prayer Conference

Prayer Days 2012

Reaching New Heights

A couple of weeks ago, a group of youth and youth leaders from some of our city parishes climbed to the top of Mount McKay.  After reaching the top, we prayed the Rosary and made the climb back down just before the approaching thunderstorm caught up to us and broke loose.  We're thankful for having had an enjoyable, safe and spiritually uplifting journey!

Our next parish youth night will be on Sunday, August 26, beginning at 7 p.m. in the church hall...

"Pope of the Eucharist"

We celebrate today the memorial of  Pope St. Pius X, a great leader of the Church whose life was molded and motivated by a remarkable love for the Holy Eucharist. 
He encouraged frequent reception of Holy Communion and solid catechesis for the faithful, and he made it possible for children to receive Holy Communion at an earlier age. 
His personal motto was "to restore all things in Christ," something which he energetically and enthusiasticly strove to do until the day he died.  St. Pius X, pray for us!

Some footage and photos from the canonization of Pope St. Pius X in 1954:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Down Memory Road...

Parishioners and guests from neighbouring parishes recently enjoyed a pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine down Memory Road.  The pilgrimage included the praying of the rosary, the Stations of the Cross, a feast-of-a-lunch break, and the celebration of Mass at St. Benedict Mission on Highway 61. 

From the outset to the very end, it was a grace-filled journey.  Providentially, the rain that had been forecasted for the day never arrived until after the last of the pilgrims boarded the bus for the journey back to town!

(pilgrims gathered around the shrine)

(view of Lake Superior from the shrine)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

On the road again...

This weekend (July 7 and 8) we welcome to our parish the Crossroads Canada Team, a group of young people who are dedicated to fostering a culture of life one step at a time.  They are walking across Canada to pray for an end to abortion and for a greater respect for the great God-given gift of human life.  As they pass through the cities, towns, and villages of our nation, they share with others the gift of their witness - a testimony to life in word and in action.  Please pray for these young people, for their safety and the success of their mission.  You can follow their progress by clicking  here and checking out their blog for occassional updates.

Parish Picnic and Outdoor Mass

This coming Sunday (July 8) we will once again be holding our annual parish picnic following the 10 a.m. Mass. 

Hot dogs, hamburgers, baking and refreshements will be on hand to enjoy.  Games and activities will be prepared for the children.

In the long-standing tradition, Mass will be celebrated outside (weather permiting).  Guests and friends are always welcome.  See you at the picnic!

Holy order...

After over a week of celebrating Mass in the church basement, we are excited to return back to the main body of the church - back to the familiar, back to the regular rhythm of prayer.

Our return has also been marked by a return of another kind.  The sanctuary floor restoration is complete, and though the floor is looking like a million dollars, thankfully it didn't cost that much to restore it! 

After decades of being hidden under tile and subsequent varieties of carpet, the original maple floor has re-emerged, well equipped to serve our parish as we forge ahead into our second century.

(a view of the sanctuary from the choir loft)

(a close-up of the floor)

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Mass Movement...

The last thing many of us probably want to see is another basement, but for the weekend of June 16 and 17, our weekend Masses will be held in the basement of the church.  The reason for the move is because of the ongoing restoration of the sanctuary floor. 

Over the past week, the construction team has been hard at work restoring the floor to it's original hardwood.  The project is almost complete, but a little more time is needed for some finishing touches, to let the fumes fade and to get some dusting done.  For the next weekend, we can look forward to things coming back to normal!

Removing the remnants of carpet.

Sanding and reframing underway...

An Outpouring of Generousity...

The recent flooding that has affected so many residents of the city has at the same time unleashed a flood of another kind: an amazing outpouring of thoughtfulness and generousity from individuals, groups and businesses from the city and beyond.  It would be hard to catalogue the number of those who called or stopped by the church over the past couple of weeks to offer support and assistance to the flood relief effort.  It is good to see that such kindness and practical concern is alive and well.  May it continue to live on long after the flood of 2012 is a mere memory!  With thanks to all for your prayers and support!

The picture of  "Jesus walking on Water"
being rescued from the flooded rectory basement.

A message worth remembering: "Thunder Bay has a Giant Heart" and "Proud to be an East Ender."

Shrine and Dine...

The month of May was brought to its fitting finale with the blessing of a parishioner's newly completed Marian shrine (pictured below).

In line with the great Catholic tradition, the ceremony of blessing was promptly followed by the appropriate festivities, feasting and fine fellowship.

Looking Back... our Living Rosary Service

Thank you to all who helped organize and take part in our Penetecost Sunday Living Rosary Service!
The service was a great success - a full complement of 'pray-ers' for the rosary and many other friends and guests joining in as well.  We can marvel again at how the Holy Spirit continues to draw peoples from every nation, language and culture together in one Faith.

"You are the light of the world..."

Members of the CWL getting in formation for the first decade.

Throw out your NETs for a catch...

Pictured below are members of NET (National Evangelization Team) Canada, who recently enjoyed an stay at our parish while en route to Ottawa to wrap up their year of service.  Through NET, young Catholics dedicate nearly a year to witnessing to the Gospel among other youth and parish communities.  The team pictured below had just completed ministering and evangelizing in the community of Medicine Hat, Alberta.  To find out more about NET, visit .

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Parish Photo Directory

This weekend's parish photo directory project will continue as planned.  Because the basement is currently occupied by our flood relief centre, pictures will be taken upstairs in the sacristy.

Catholicism Project

This evening's viewing of the next episode in the "Catholicism Project" series will be postponed due to flood damage and flood relief efforts.  Please keep an eye on the parish bulletin for details regarding our next gathering.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Flood Relief Donations

If you have any questions regarding flood relief donations and support for the residents of the East End, please call the parish hall at 622-1959. 

A supply and support centre is currently running to help families and individuals affected by the recent flooding.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Celebrating the Month of Mary... Living Rosary Sunday

This Sunday, May 27, at 2 p.m. our parish will be hosting a "Living Rosary" prayer service.

In spiritual communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary who gathered with the disciples in the Cenacle to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit, we too pray in expectant faith.

All are welcome to join us as we pray for the special intentions of an increase of priestly vocations in our diocese and for the gift of spiritual renewal.  A time for fellowship and refreshments in the church hall will follow the service.

"Come, Holy Spirit!  Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Catholic Women's League Diocesan Convention

The last weekend in April saw members of the Catholic Women's League from across the diocese converge on Fort Frances for their annual convention.  Designed to be a time of renewal, prayer, planning and networking, the convention was also an opportunity for many to renew old friendships and make new ones. Our parish was well represented, with over a dozen members of our parish council in attendance (plus our spiritual advisor!)  Thanks to the delegate who submitted the photos!

Divine Mercy Celebration 2012

As part of the worldwide observance of the Feast of Divine Mercy, Catholics from many parishes gathered at Our Lady Queen of Poland Church for a special diocesan celebration on Sunday, April 15.  The afternoon service included testimonials, praying of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, opportunities for individual confession and veneration of the relic of St. Faustina.  Following the service, the pastor and parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Poland hosted a time of fellowship in the church hall.  Below are a couple photos from the service:

(gathered for prayer)

(Blessing of the image of Divine Mercy)

(Relic of St. Faustina)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Chapter in the Titanic Story

This past weekend marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  The subject of many articles, documentaries and movies over the years, this marine tragedy still grips the attention and imagination of many.   With the media once again awash with different perspectives on and profiles of this disaster, Catholics in particular might be interested in learning about three Catholic priests who were also Titanic passengers:

To learn more, click here for a more detailed article courtesy of Catholic News Agency.

Counting the Blessings

It's hard to believe that nearly two weeks have passed since the Holy Triduum.  The Easter season is well underway! 

As we move ahead, every now and again it is good to stop and take stock of past blessings and experiences.  Sometimes pictures are more helpful for us than words as we recollect with gratitude.  Here are a couple pictures from around the church building from the Holy Triduum...

Altar or Repose for the Blessed Sacrament (Holy Thursday in the Church Hall)

The empty tabernacle, veiled statues and darkened sanctuary.  (Good Friday)

New life appears in the sacristy (Holy Saturday)

"Anyone who knows Easter cannot despair."
(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)