It may be a little too early to sing the beloved Christmas hymn, O Come all Ye Faithful, but it's never too early to offer our prayer of adoration to Christ the Lord. Prior to every weekday Mass through the season of Advent, a holy hour with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered for the special intentions of our parishioners and for the needs of our parish. Each day will be dedicated to specific parishioners and their loved ones.
This week all parishioners whose last name begins with the letters "A" to "F" will be remembered in prayer.
Monday: A
Tuesday: B
Wednesday: C
Thursday: D
Friday: E
Saturday (morning): F
May the holy season of Advent be for you and your loved ones a season of great grace and renewal!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Lift up your hearts!
With only a day before the Mass is prayed using the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal, it's worth taking a moment to consider what the heart of the Mass is, the true depth of meaning underlying the words and the gestures.
Here is a short video that may offer some food for thought:
Well done, good and faithful servant!
After serving the church for many years, the book of prayers for Mass currently known as the Sacramentary is about to 'retire from active duty'. Tomorrow morning's Mass will be the last time the Sacramentary will be used in the Liturgy. A short prayer at the end of Mass will mark the moment.
As Advent begins for the church a new liturgical year, the anticipated Mass for the First Sunday of Advent will witness the debut of the long-awaited 3rd edition of the Roman Missal. After weeks and even months of preparation, we are about to experience the perennial truths of the faith with a certain newness of expression.
Of course, both time and a light-hearted sense of patience will go a long way in helping the cause as we 'de-program' and 're-program' ourselves in the way of prayer. With the help of God's grace, may our prayer life continue to deepen and bear much fruit for the glory of God.
"Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God,
the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ
with righteous deeds at his coming,
so that, gathered at his right hand,
they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom."
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Coming soon... Evergreen Tea and Bake Sale
From 1 to 3:30 PM on Sunday, December 4, 2011, the St. Peter's parish Catholic Women's League will be hosting an Evergreen Tea and Bake Sale. A penny auction, raffles, and a used jewellry sale will add to the excitement. Tickets will be sold at the door or are available in advance after weekend Masses. See you at the tea!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
"Health Care: Life and Death Choices" Workshop
Understanding bioethics has become increasingly important as science and medicine develop new techniques that regularly challenge our traditional understanding of the sanctity of life.
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to better understand the issues and to make the right decisions as Christians.
Workshop runs on Saturday, November 26, 2011 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Guest Presenter: Moira McQueen, Executive Director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute
Topics: What is Bioethics, Conscience, Conversion, Personhood, In Vitro Fertilization, Stem Cell Research and Cloning, Withdrawal of Treatment, Do-not-resuscitate orders, Prolonging life, Relieving pain, Health Care Directives, Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide, Palliative Care, Sacraments of the Sick, Spiritual Needs.
St. Anthony's Church, 123 Hilldale Road
Phone: 768-1878 or e-mail:
Advanced Registration: $10
At the Door: $15
Bring a lunch (refreshments and snacks provided)
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to better understand the issues and to make the right decisions as Christians.
Workshop runs on Saturday, November 26, 2011 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Guest Presenter: Moira McQueen, Executive Director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute
Topics: What is Bioethics, Conscience, Conversion, Personhood, In Vitro Fertilization, Stem Cell Research and Cloning, Withdrawal of Treatment, Do-not-resuscitate orders, Prolonging life, Relieving pain, Health Care Directives, Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide, Palliative Care, Sacraments of the Sick, Spiritual Needs.
St. Anthony's Church, 123 Hilldale Road
Phone: 768-1878 or e-mail:
Advanced Registration: $10
At the Door: $15
Bring a lunch (refreshments and snacks provided)
Seven Billion Reasons to Give Thanks...
According to people who track such things, we earthlings now number seven billion! Some suggest the earth is too small to accomodate any more. Perhaps what is more likely is that the hearts and minds of some of earth's citizens are too small to accomodate any more.
For another perspective which explores the depth of humanity underlying the sometimes impersonal statistics, check out this editorial piece from the Holy See Press Office:
For another perspective which explores the depth of humanity underlying the sometimes impersonal statistics, check out this editorial piece from the Holy See Press Office:
Fr. Lombardi Editorial: Baby 7 Billion

Dear baby number seven billion! I don’t know if you are a girl or a boy, whether you are Indian or Chinese, born in a great city or a tiny village. I don’t know if you were born in the fertile South American lowlands or under an igloo above the arctic circle.
I don’t know if you were born on a remote island, or in a refugee tent. I don’t know whether you are healthy or sick or handicapped. I don’t know whether both your parents were there to embrace you at your birth, or whether your mother alone was there to hold you. I don’t know whether people will say there are too many or too few of you and your contemporaries. Today, I don’t care about that.
This world you are coming into is a bit complicated and it’s not friendly for everyone. We haven’t done a very good job preparing it for you. The leaders of the richest and most powerful nations are sitting around a table, struggling to find a way forward. We too are asking ourselves about your future.
But today I want to tell you that you are unique and special, that you are a wonderful gift, that you are a miracle, that your spirit will live for ever, and so you are welcome. We hope that when you smile someone will respond to your smile, and when you cry someone will caress you. We hope you can go to school and that you won’t go hungry. We hope that someone will answer your questions wisely and encourage you as you find your place in the world. We hope you will be able to love others, that will be able to grow, and work, and live among your family, with many friends, in a nation and in a world that is free and at peace. We pray that you can understand that your life will find its fullest meaning not in this world but in the next.
Because this is what you were born for. Your Creator and Father made you for this. We will do our part to make this possible; but you will have to do your part, too, because your future will also depend on you and the choices you make—and it will be up to you to welcome baby eight billion.
I don’t know if you were born on a remote island, or in a refugee tent. I don’t know whether you are healthy or sick or handicapped. I don’t know whether both your parents were there to embrace you at your birth, or whether your mother alone was there to hold you. I don’t know whether people will say there are too many or too few of you and your contemporaries. Today, I don’t care about that.
This world you are coming into is a bit complicated and it’s not friendly for everyone. We haven’t done a very good job preparing it for you. The leaders of the richest and most powerful nations are sitting around a table, struggling to find a way forward. We too are asking ourselves about your future.
But today I want to tell you that you are unique and special, that you are a wonderful gift, that you are a miracle, that your spirit will live for ever, and so you are welcome. We hope that when you smile someone will respond to your smile, and when you cry someone will caress you. We hope you can go to school and that you won’t go hungry. We hope that someone will answer your questions wisely and encourage you as you find your place in the world. We hope you will be able to love others, that will be able to grow, and work, and live among your family, with many friends, in a nation and in a world that is free and at peace. We pray that you can understand that your life will find its fullest meaning not in this world but in the next.
Because this is what you were born for. Your Creator and Father made you for this. We will do our part to make this possible; but you will have to do your part, too, because your future will also depend on you and the choices you make—and it will be up to you to welcome baby eight billion.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Remebering our beloved deceased...
Members of the parish Catholic Women's League will be leading a memorial service for all parishioners who have passed away since All Soul's Day 2010 and all others whose funeral services have been conducted through our parish over this time.
This service will take place on Sunday, November 6, beginning promptly at 9:40 AM. Those attending and taking part in this service are asked to arrive by 9:30 AM.
This service will take place on Sunday, November 6, beginning promptly at 9:40 AM. Those attending and taking part in this service are asked to arrive by 9:30 AM.
"It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead,
that they may be loosed from sins"
2 Maccabees 12:46.
Going back in time...

Turn back your clock on Saturday night and avoid the shock of arriving early to church on Sunday morning.
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